Ubuntu Cultural Pavilion is a local community museum in Central Jersey that works to unearth, affirm, and celebrate the often overlooked and/or forgotten contributions of the African American community in The Ville and surrounding areas. The Ubuntu Cultural Pavilion, Inc. (UCP) envisions a permanent Somerville location dedicated to the preservation of the community’s African American history and a public space to make connections to that past. UCP’s bold vision builds upon the community's legacy of activism.
We believe in this important work, and we desire to establish a permanent location to inspirationally create space, access, and opportunities to celebrate the African and African American experiences and history. Expanding the tapestry of Somerville’s rich history and surrounding areas.

The mission of The Ubuntu Cultural Pavilion (UCP), a 501 c3 formed in 2022, is to uplift and document the stories of the African Americans who contributed to the growth of Somerville and preserve the community’s African American history. The Ubuntu Cultural Pavilion was established to augment the history of Somerville to include its history of contributions of Black and African American residents whose involvement and impact have been overshadowed, like much of American history involving formerly enslaved peoples, by the town’s Revolutionary War connections. It is the mission and purpose of UCP to challenge this neglect and change this tradition.

Upcoming Events & Exhibits
- Sat, Nov 09Somerville Middle School Cafeteria
- Sat, Aug 03Somerville Middle School -main entrance.
- Sat, Jun 22Somerville Middle School Cafeteria
- Sat, Nov 11Somerville
- Sat, Aug 26Somerville
- Sat, Jun 17Somerville